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Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #1 – The Magic Word to Use in Headlines for +110% Conversions:  

Paul Olyslager ran a few A/B tests on headline copywriting. He uncovered one word that boosted his conversions by up to +110%.

First he A/B tested a headline for a list of books:

Original: Recommended books 

– Variation 1: My book collection (-43%)

– Variation 2: Most popular books (-19.1%)

– Variation 3: Favorite UX books (-7%)

– Variation 4: Popular UX books (+7.8%)

Then he A/B tested a headline for a list of articles:

Original: Trending stories

– Variation 1: Most popular articles (-27.7%)

– Variation 2: Popular this month (-11.4%)

– Variation 3: Most popular stories (+5.5%)

– Variation 4: Popular articles (+110.6%)

Looks like word “popular” (without “most”) has some magic.



Growth Hack # 2 – Reduce Bounce Rate 40% By Boosting Mobile Web Speed 3X:

Some quick facts that contribute to your site’s bounce rate:

1. About 40% of people will abandon a web page that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

2. 71% of the time people spend online in the US is on mobile devices (91% in Indonesia).

It means: If your mobile webpage loads too slow, you lose 28.4% – 36.4% of people. They don‘t even see your page, and therefore don‘t buy from you.

Also when so many people bounce, Google decreases your rank in search results. As a result, you lose even more.

How can you boost the speed of your mobile website? Google has an open-source initiative that cuts down mobile webpage load time by up to 3X. The initiative is called the AMP Project.

Tell your developers about it.



Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #3 – You’re Losing 18% of Sales!:

A study reveals that 18% of users have abandoned a checkout flow during the last 3 months. The reason? They “didn’t trust the site with their credit card information”.

Adding a “security” badge to your site may help alleviate that concern.

Above are a few of the best options available for badges, which can inform your decision on which payment security software to pursue.



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