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Growth Hack #1 – 12.1% More Paying Customers + 4 Tips for More Blog Conversions:
ComScore found that 27% of people who searched for a coupon code never returned to purchase.
Blog content can help drive website visitors through the funnel towards converting. Here are some ways you can turn your blog readers into customers:
1. Use retargeting ads. These ads display only for people who have visited your blog in the past.
How to do it: Place a remarketing pixel on your blog to capture your audience -> Add remarketing ads -> CTR (Click thru rate): 0.2%
2. Place Hellobar on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 3.53%
3. Place a popup on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 0.5% – 2%
4. Opt-in form at the end of each blog post -> Newsletter subscribers: 0.75% – 2%
5. Offer free webinars using Google Hangouts for your subscribers -> Free trial signups: 41%. They convert to –> Paying customers: 12.1% of the time
Growth Hack #2 – Free Stuff is 82% Better Than a Good Deal:
What types of offers lead to more sales? Well, this study did an A/B test of a good deal and a free offer.
Here was the offer:
1. A cupcake and 2 cookies package for $10.
2. A cupcake for $10 + 2 cookies for free.
The results showed that people buy option #2 at an 82% higher rate than #1.

Growth Hack #3 – Why Exit Pages Matter Most When Optimizing Your Website:
Most of the time, we like to look for the most popular pages on our website. This is helpful for coming up with new blog post ideas, among other things.
But opportunity also lies in identifying your worst performing pages. This process is how you find holes in your content and SEO strategy.
Here’s how that process works:
– Ideally, you want to keep prospects on your site long enough to convert them from lead or customer.
– For this reason, you need to go to the Behavior tab in the Google Analytics menu.
– Then, click Exit Pages under the Site Content menu.
This process will show you the pages where prospects most often exit your website.
With that information, you can then analyze these pages and look for ways to keep prospects engaged with your website.f
You might have to change the design or refresh/re-write the content, depending on how important the page is.
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