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Growth Hack #1 – Leverage Your Competitor’s User Testing:
The company Uber Testers offers a chance for real people to test your website or product. Then, you can get feedback on what they liked and didn’t like. Its the focus group for the 21st century.
But why stop there?
Use Uber Testers on your RIVALS.
Find out what they’re doing right and wrong, get inspired, and find opportunities.
Source: 500 Startups
Growth Hack #2 – Recover 30% of Credit Card Sales:
Did you know that the average amount of lost sales due to a “card declined” error is 2-5%?
Here is a simple technique that helped recoup 30% of those “Card Declined” abandonments.
Baymard, in the credit card error message, simply added a suggestion to “Pay with PayPal”.
The result?
30% of the people whose credit cards failed went ahead with PayPal.

Growth Hack #3 – Send Push Notifications in the Evening for Maximum Impact:
Leanplum, a mobile marketing automation tool, broke down 671 million pushes to uncover some interesting trends on time-of day targeting for push notifications.
Here’s what they discovered:
– Pushes sent and opened trends upward throughout the day, with a small peak around noon, a slightly larger one around 3pm, and the largest in the evening.
The post-evening trend is interesting: after 6pm, on a relative basis, Pushes Opened starts to trend higher, relative to previous hours, and Pushes Sent is lower.
This indicates that while mobile apps are delivering a ton of pushes leading up to evening, it might be more effective to time them post-evening, when engagement seems high.
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