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Growth Hack #1 – Increase Signups +26% with Gradual Engagement That Proves Value:
Instead of asking visitors to sign up immediately, why not ask them to first perform a task through which something of value is demonstrated?
During such initial interactions the product can show off its benefits. AND this process can lend itself to personalization.
GoodUI tried this and found a 26% increase in signups.
Once users begin to see your product’s value and see how they can make it their own, they will then be more open to sharing additional information with you.
Gradual engagement is really a way to postpone the signup process as much as possible and still allow users to use and customize your application or product.
Growth Hack #2 – Boost Landing Page Performance 680% Using a Single Column Format:
Marketing Experiments Blog did a test where they compared two variants of a landing page:
One with a column on the right
One with a single column.
The single column variant outperformed the two column design by a stunning 680.6%!

Growth Hack #3 – The Magic Button Color That Yields a 6.19% Higher CTR:
3Q Digital queried their database for ads that contained rectangles that made up less than 33 percent of the canvas (buttons, basically). They ran a query on the typical color of buttons created and posed the question:
“Which button color works best?”
The answer?
It’ blue.
When blue buttons are compared to others, the blue button color yields an average CTR increase of 6.19%. No other color had a common trend of increased CTR.
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