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Growth Hack #1 – Boost Email Captures by 785%…Overnight:
It’s called a content upgrade.
Normally people have to pay for premium content. You can give it away in exchange for an email address.
Take a blog post or a video that you’ve got and offer an extra bonus as a PDF. Make your users give up their emails to get the upgrade.
Brian from BackLinko added “Download PDF version of this article in exchange for your email”.
The results?
Instant 785% increase in conversions!
Bonus: Other folks utilize it on their YouTube channels, offering “Download the PDF transcription of this video”.
Growth Hack #2 – 844% More Leads Through Crazy Minimalism:
TheHOTH had a typical landing page with sections like: Signup Form, Featured At, Description, How it works, Support, Team, etc.
They then created a super minimalist landing with only the sign-up form, a 6-word title, and an 8-word subtitle.
Result: account signups increased from 1.39% to 13.13% (up by 844%)!

Growth Hack #3 – How PopcornMetrics Increased Revenue +367% in 12 Weeks:
This is what they did:
They focused on helping their churned (lost) free trial users become successful in achieving their goals by using their product with deep 1-on-1s. They tweaked code, gave useful info, spent hours on Skype — whatever it took.
After a while, that un-scalable hustling turned into scalable texts, videos, tutorials, onboarding emails, FAQ section, etc.,
This boosted their conversions by 367% over 12 weeks.
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