Ilan’s Weekly is a (sorta) weekly email full of small hacks and tricks you can use to grow your business and increase sales.

Written and curated by Ilan Nass, founder of Taktical in New York.


Smiles Get More Sales:

An interesting experiment.

One marketer wanted to A/B test what photo of him on his landing pages would generate more profits:

  • #A: Serious Face 😐
  • #B: Smiling Smiling 🙂

Smiling face won 🙂 and generated:

  • +1.3% more sign ups
  • +9.9% more sales
  • +10.7% more total profits


Scoop Up the Emails of All Your Facebook Contacts!

Who would think, that adding an investor, prospect, or influencer as a friend on Facebook, gives you access to his email. It was a big surprise for me today. Here is how you can get emails:

1. Go to “Yahoo.mail – sign up
2. Right after a successful signup you will be offered to import contacts from Facebook. Choose it.
3. After the contacts are imported, click “Skip setup”.
4. Enter “Contacts”. Abracadabra! Emails!

In the App Store, First Impressions Matter:

1. 60% of users won’t swipe past your second image. Show your strongest images first
2. Switching app screenshots can increase install rates by more than 35%. Use different copy in each screenshot
3. Only 2% of visitors click to expand the “Description” which means 98% of visitors don’t see past your first 30 words. Make those words count!



How to Make the Customer the Hero of Your Story

Best Answer to “Sell Me This Pen” I Have Ever Seen