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Growth Hack #1 – Take Advantage of Your Competitors’ Dead Links:

Broken and dead links of your competitors are a huge opportunity for link building. But first you need to find them.

Here’s how:

1. Visit to find a huge list of your competitors.

2. Check dead links using browser plugins (Check My Links, Domain Hunter) OR upload a list of URLs to Xenu or Screaming Frog.

3. Google “link:“.

4. Contact every website owner to alert them of a broken link and offer a relevant link of yours to replace it.



Growth Hack #2 – Get Specific With Your Facebook Ad Interest Targeting:

If you don’t have an existing customer base and you’re creating a Facebook ad target audience using interests, avoid using generic or broad interests. For example, don’t just use “Running”.

Instead, pick specific interests, like The Boston Marathon.

How do you ensure you’re targeting the hardcore runner and not just the generic fan?

Pick the interests ONLY hardcore running enthusiasts know, like Runkeeper or Runtastic or Endomondo.

The same rule applies for other interests, too.



small business growth tips - social media timing chart

Growth Hack #3 – This Google Shopping Case Study Earned +192% Revenue:

Midas Media managed to boost their revenue from Google Shopping by +192%, and profits by around 300%!

How did they do it?

1. They analyzed data and found that 8-9-word long search queries (product specific) generate on average +300% more revenue.

So they started to bid high against these terms.

2. Then they remarketed ads to those who:
Viewed basket, didn’t commit to purchase
Viewed a high ‘detail-view’ to checkout-rate product
Stayed on website for over 4 minutes in one session
Viewed site in the past 5, 10, and 15 days
Visited site from high converting location
Visited site from high converting device
Viewed site and in top lifetime value segment

3. Then they segmented their data by mobile devices, gender, age, and geography and found who generates the highest ROI. They focused their ads specifically on the most valuable segment.

4. They found that time and day of the week when their ad was displayed heavily influenced their ROI. So they regularly calculated data and get something like the chart image above.

Then they created scripts that automated bidding across this custom schedule.

Boom: 3 times more profit!



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