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Growth Hack #1 – 2 Questions Can Give a 16% Lift in Conversions:

Hootsuite asked their landing page visitors 2 questions:

1. Do you have enough information to make a purchase?

2. (If No) What other information would be more helpful?

Armed with their survey results, Hootsuite had a clear path to take action and revamp their landing page

The result? 

The new version led to 16% more conversion!



Growth Hack #2 – 7 Ways to Get on the Reddit Front Page:

Datastories analyzed 4 million data points to see what makes it to the front page of Reddit. Here’s what they found:

#1. 5pm – 9pm PST is the hottest upvote time.

#2. Images get much more upvotes than text posts.

#3. Very Positive or Very Negative posts perform significantly better than Neutral ones.

#4. Text posts get more comments and stay on the front page longer.

#5. These 5 Sub-Reddits completely dominate the front page of Reddit: r/funny, r/pics, r/gifs, r/TodayILearned, r/gaming

#6. Putting a number in your headline increases chances of being among the top posts.

#7. Internal self-posts LIVE SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER than external posts.



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Growth Hack #3 – Eliminate Conversion Delays:

When selling something online, it works best when you consistently follow through on the ‘threat’ to expire the offer. The whole point is to encourage them to ACT NOW.

Try these tips:

– Decrease your free trial time period (cut it in half or more)

– Limit free trial units (only X available)

– Display a counter — time OR units are running out

Remember: A delayed conversion = a lost conversion.

Source: 500 startups


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