5 Ways to Use AI to Create Engaging Marketing Copy

It’s no secret that we’re now in the midst of an artificial intelligence revolution. AI is slowly but surely disrupting the business world, especially when it comes to marketing copy.

Consider the trends. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, more than 40% of marketers say they’ve used AI to create content. 

Gone are the days of relying solely on extensive manual research and long brainstorming sessions to write marketing copy. Now there are tools that assist in analyzing trends, understanding customer behaviors, and generating the seeds of ideas that go on to become successful content.

In this article, we’ll cover 5 practical ways and examples for how AI can be used to write engaging marketing copy. Keep reading to learn exactly how to leverage AI to support and improve the creative process.

What Is AI Copywriting?

AI copywriting is pretty straightforward. In a nutshell, it’s the application of artificial intelligence to write marketing copy. 

Whenever you use an AI tool like ChatGPT, you’re in essence leaning on advanced algorithms to analyze data, understand the nuances of language, and produce content and copywriting that resonates with your target audience. Leveraging AI can help your writers create more personalized and relevant marketing copy – minus the struggle that comes with confronting a blank page.

The impact of AI in marketing copywriting is significant, especially in branded content marketing. It offers speed and scale, enabling marketers to produce a high volume of successful content across various platforms. 

You can use AI tools to analyze user engagement and trends, suggest topics, and write in tones of voice and styles that are more likely to appeal to your target audience. Such an approach ensures that content is not only well-written, but also strategically aligned with your campaigns.

Which AI Tool Is Best For Copywriting?

Choosing the right AI tool for copywriting depends on your specific needs. Do you need to just generate ideas, craft detailed articles, or produce large volumes of successful content?

Each tool on the market has its strengths and weaknesses for answering these questions. But they all can serve a common purpose in developing a successful digital content strategy: augmenting human creativity.  

With that said, let’s discuss the top 4 contenders for creating better marketing copy.


ChatGPT has become renowned for its sophisticated understanding and generation of human-like text. This tool can craft detailed articles, conversational pieces, and even creative content. Which is probably why over 100 million users flock to this platform weekly.

Its strength lies in generating coherent, contextually relevant copy that can closely mimic an actual human’s writing style. But, it still requires careful guidance and editing to align the content with specific brand tones and factual accuracy.


Jasper is an AI tool that’s geared towards marketing content. It excels in producing engaging copy fast. 

Jasper is intuitive and integrates well with SEO tools, making it a go-to for digital marketing content. It’s also particularly useful for generating ideas and drafts, but may need human input for nuanced brand-specific content.


As an AI marketing copy tool, Writesonic is fast and user friendly. It’s ideal for short-form content like social media posts and product descriptions. 

Writesonic can generate content efficiently, but it may not always provide the depth required for longer articles or complex subjects.


This tool is great for brainstorming and overcoming writer’s block. Copy.ai can provide you with a range of ideas and suggestions. 

It’s helpful for initial content creation stages. But overall, it might require more human editing to craft actual finished pieces.

How Can I Use AI for Marketing? 5 Practical Tactics You Can Use

AI can be a powerful tool that offers a range of use cases for writing marketing copy that’s both engaging and strategically aligned with your brand’s objectives. But what specific content and copywriting tasks can you let AI handle?

Here are 5 ways to utilize AI in executing your digital content marketing strategy:

1. Creating Compelling Product Descriptions

You can use AI to sift through extensive product data and customer reviews to craft detailed and persuasive product descriptions. This method ensures that each description you create not only highlights the unique selling points of your products but is also SEO-optimized to enhance your online visibility and conversion rates.

Consider an eco-conscious footwear brand that sells shoes through its website. AI can analyze customer reviews and detailed product features to craft engaging descriptions for a new line of sustainable shoes. Here’s what you could enter as a prompt:

This AI-powered approach to marketing copy blends stylish elements with eco-friendly benefits to create compelling descriptions that appeal to environmentally aware consumers. Here’s the output we got from ChatGPT using the above prompt:

It could still use some refining to truly nail the brand voice, but this is a good place to start.

2. Developing Catchy Headlines and Taglines

With AI, you can generate a variety of catchy headlines and taglines for your campaigns. By inputting your core message and target audience details into the AI tool of your choice, you can explore multiple headline options. Conduct A/B testing with these suggestions to find the ones that resonate best with your audience.

Imagine a gourmet coffee brand from Colombia attempting to introduce its blends of coffee to an English-speaking market. AI could help brainstorm headline ideas for its digital marketing strategy, focusing on the blend’s unique qualities that are only described in Spanish. Such AI-crafted headlines could range from clever to emotive, all aimed at engaging coffee lovers.

3. Writing Informative Blog Posts

AI can help you write engaging and informative blog posts by using it to analyze trending topics and relevant keywords. When you provide your content objectives and target keywords to an AI tool, it can create drafts that serve as a solid starting point for your blogs. From there, you can edit to pepper in your unique insights and expertise.

Consider another eCommerce Company, but one focused on sustainable living. AI can be used to ideate blog post ideas about their eco-friendly home products. This ensures that their content is not only relevant and informative but draws new visitors searching about eco-conscious living.

4. Crafting Variations of Dynamic Ad Copy

You can leverage AI to create various marketing copy variations for your paid media campaigns. You can then test each and see which versions connect best with different segments of your audience. By analyzing the responses to these variations, you can fine-tune your messaging for maximum impact and engagement.

A cosmetic brand launching a new skincare line could use AI to create various ad copy versions targeting different customer demographics such as age groups. Here’s a hypothetical prompt:

And here’s the output from that prompt:

They could then analyze engagement metrics to identify which messages perform best with each segment, refining their advertising approach along the way. 

5. Streamlining Email Subject Lines and CTAs

Optimize your email marketing campaigns using AI to generate compelling subject lines and calls-to-action. Use AI to analyze your most successful email campaigns, which can then guide you to create marketing copy that is more likely to capture attention and prompt action. 

A travel agency could use AI to craft email subject lines and CTAs for its seasonal promotions. Based on data from previous campaigns, it could use AI to suggest various subject lines and CTAs to test, identifying which combinations are most effective in driving open rates and conversions for different travel packages.

Best Practices and Tips For Using AI Copywriting Today and Tomorrow

While AI brings efficiency to your content marketing plan, its full potential is realized when you integrate it with the creative and strategic aspects of the human perspective. This approach not only elevates the quality of your marketing copy but also ensures it resonates with your audience.

Here a few tips and best practices to keep in mind for maximizing AI’s potential in your digital content marketing strategy:

Combine AI with Human Creativity

First and foremost, AI should augment human creativity, not replace it. Start with AI-generated content and enrich it with human elements like emotional storytelling and nuanced language. This combination ensures that your content is not just efficient but also has a personable touch.

Stay True to Your Brand Voice

AI-generated content needs your brand’s unique voice. Use AI for initial drafts, then add your brand’s personality and tone. This balance ensures your digital content resonates consistently and authentically with your potential customers.

Regularly Update AI Learning Inputs

For AI to remain effective, it needs current data. Regularly feed AI with updated information, customer feedback, and campaign results. This can keep the AI tool you use attuned to the latest market trends and customer preferences while improving the relevancy of your marketing copy.

Be Specific and Provide Context

For AI-generated marketing copy to be effective, detailed and context-specific prompts are essential. Providing AI with clear, relevant information ensures outputs are of high quality and relevance. For example, if you want AI to include a subtle nod to your brand in your marketing copy, feed it information like your mission statement and founding story.

Test and Refine AI-generated Content

A/B test to compare different versions of your AI-assisted marketing copy. Refine them based on the insights gained. This iterative process is crucial for fine-tuning AI outputs to better align with your marketing objectives and increase the success of your digital marketing content.

Embracing AI in Your Marketing Strategy

Incorporating AI can transform how you create digital marketing content. AI not only streamlines the writing process but also ensures that your marketing copy is data-driven, personalized, and highly engaging. The key is to blend AI’s analytical prowess with human creativity and insight, ensuring your content resonates with authenticity and relevance.

At Taktical Digital, we’re leveraging AI to craft marketing strategies that are not just on-trend but also deeply resonate with our client’s target audiences. We design campaigns to be visually captivating and strategically effective, ensuring they not only catch someone’s eye but also convert.

If this is the kind of approach you want your brand to capitalize on, Taktical Digital is your ideal partner. Reach out to discover how we can craft your marketing copy with the power of AI while driving exceptional results.

Rae Steinbach

Rae Steinbach

Rae Steinbach is a seasoned Senior Content Manager at Taktical Digital, with a rich professional history spanning over a decade in the world of content creation and strategy. Specializing in technical writing, Rae has a deep expertise in technology, gaming, and digital marketing fields. Their work encompasses guiding audiences through every stage of the purchase funnel, from initial awareness to final conversion. Based in New York City, Rae is passionate about the power of content in shaping and propelling brand stories. They excel at crafting compelling narratives that define and enhance a brand's voice, demonstrating a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking.
Rae Steinbach

Rae Steinbach

Rae Steinbach is a seasoned Senior Content Manager at Taktical Digital, with a rich professional history spanning over a decade in the world of content creation and strategy. Specializing in technical writing, Rae has a deep expertise in technology, gaming, and digital marketing fields. Their work encompasses guiding audiences through every stage of the purchase funnel, from initial awareness to final conversion. Based in New York City, Rae is passionate about the power of content in shaping and propelling brand stories. They excel at crafting compelling narratives that define and enhance a brand's voice, demonstrating a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking.
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