Taktical Growth Hacks – #162

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Growth Hack #1 – Add Popup Annotations to Mobile YouTube Videos:

YouTube has 2 billion users who watch 1 billion hours of video every day.  And, more than 70% of YouTube traffic come from mobile devices.

Adding annotations to a video boosts your views/retention? 

But. . .and this is a big but: 

Annotations don’t show up on mobile!

Here’s how to fix it:

Use YouTube Cards instead.

1. Go to your YouTube channel.

2. Click your video.

3. Click on the cards icon.

4. Press “Add card”

Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/youtube-statistics/


Growth Hack #2 – Make App Onboarding a Breeze By Looking to Leaders in the Field:

Don’t copy brand name onboarding/activation flows because they’re famous.

Copy them because THEY WORK.

Major apps with massive user bases in every field and subject matter have already trained people to follow a set activation flow.

In fact, regardless of what type of app you’re launching, your new users are probably already their existing users.

Let them do what they’re used to.

Source: 500 Startups


marketer growth hacks - email CTA

Growth Hack #3 – 127% More Clicks By Using Buttons in Emails:

Research shows that most people scan email campaigns rather than reading them word-for-word. So, text links will often go overlooked. Instead, using buttons for your call to action means they will stand out to skimmers.

Campaign Monitor tested this theory, running a campaign where one version had a button to get the click, and another version had text.

The result?

127% more clicks from the version using a button CTA! 

Source: https://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/email-marketing/2014/08/buttons-email-marketing-campaigns


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Taktical Team

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, we at Taktical Digital are your go-to team. We’re a vibrant mix of marketing enthusiasts and experts, each bringing something unique to the table. Our blog is where we share the latest trends, nifty strategies, and practical advice, all designed to amp up your online game. It's not just about theories; it's about real, actionable insights that make a difference. From SEO to social media, we cover it all with a fresh, engaging approach. Think of us as your insider friends in the digital marketing sphere, always here to help you navigate and succeed.
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