Facebook Algorithm: Understanding It & Beating It

Facebook can tend to feel like an uphill battle for businesses. The social media platform’s algorithm isn’t very clear about how your posts end up on users’ screens. When even the sponsored posts you’re investing in aren’t working, you know there has to be something you’re missing. Paid or unpaid, the way you post on Facebook and reach the platform’s ever-expanding audience matters. Every time a user logs on to the website or app, Facebook is learning about what that user likes seeing and what they skip past.  The social media giant has tried a lot of different algorithms over the years, ranging from focusing on video to simply asking users what they want to see more of. Today, things look a little different and knowing how the Facebook algorithm works can be a game-changer for businesses.

How the Facebook Algorithm Works in 2021

Here’s what you need to know. Facebook is concerned with three things when its algorithm learns about user activity and begins curating their feed to these behaviors.  Following these three elements to a great post can mean huge things for your engagement and reach on Facebook. Ignoring them ends up in things like these terrible Facebook ads we wish we never saw.  First up, the accounts with which the user interacts matter. If someone is always checking up on certain friends and family members, then that’s going to mean their posts will show up sooner on their feed.  The same goes for organizations and businesses that users interact with the most. That means it’s your job to post content that encourages users to not only follow and like you, but also provide users the type of content that drives engagement.

What Sort of Posts Do Best on Facebook?

Users all have their own preferences for what they like to see. At the end of the day, a mix of videos, links to blogs and web pages, and photos is good to keep things diverse and dynamic.  That said, the sort of posts that do best on your business account will depend on the final element of the Facebook algorithm that matters most: user interactions. From sharing a post to simply giving it a like or reaction, interactions matter most when it comes to the Facebook algorithm. The social media platform wants users active and logging in as often as possible. That’s why their machine learning algorithm sees interactions as a huge plus for your account.  Comments matter too! In fact, comments serve a dual purpose for your business account on Facebook. Not only do comments drive interactions on your page, but they also give you direct feedback from the audience.  If you listen to comments and take your user’s feedback seriously, you can avoid posting content that ends up falling flat. That doesn’t just hurt your reach and engagement but it’s also a blunder on your digital brand. 

How to Beat the Facebook Algorithm Once and For All

We don’t like putting negative energy into the universe, but the Facebook algorithm is sort of like  a villain you need to take down to achieve your goals as a business. Understanding the Facebook algorithm can feel like a battle sometimes. Don’t go to war for social media success without the right ally. Hiring a Facebook advertising agency can be a transformative way to master the ever-changing Facebook algorithm.  Taktical is an award-winning agency ready to help your business master all aspects of digital marketing. Reach out today with your top questions on the Facebook algorithm and we’ll get started finding ways to boost your business.
Picture of Chloe


Picture of Chloe


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