Use Exit Popups:
A popup that gets in a user’s face at the time of trying to exit your website is a perfect way to grab an email before it’s too late.
Exit Popups can outperform other Calls to Action by as much as 1000%!
With Cart Abandonment Emails, Speed Matters!
SalesCycle recently found that the highest conversion rate (5.2%) for cart abandonment emails was for emails sent only 20 minutes after the user leaves!
Compare that to 4.6% for an hour and 2.6% for 24 hours.
What Kind of Blog Posts Get the Most Shares?
Hubspot performed a 6 month analysis on 21,000 blog post shares to figure out which type of posts get the most shares. Lists, “Why”, Video”, “how to” and Explainer posts. Here are the results:
- Lists narrowly claimed the most social traction at 22.45%
- Why-posts earned 22.32% of social traction.
- Videos drew 18.94% of total shares and performed well in Q4.
- How-to articles earned 18.42% of shares.
- What-posts had the lowest social traction, earning 17.88% of total shares.