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Taktical Growth Hacks

Growth Hack #1 – Boost Email Captures by 785% Overnight:  

It’s called a content upgrade.

Normally people have to pay for premium content. You can give it away in exchange for an email address.

Take a blog post or a video that you’ve got and offer an extra bonus as a PDF. Make your users give up their emails to get the upgrade.

Brian from Backlinko added “Download PDF version of this article” in exchange for an email. Instantly he saw a 785% increase in conversions!

Other folks utilize the same technique on their YouTube channels, offering “Download the PDF transcription of this video”.



Growth Hack # 2 – How Negative Headlines Lead to +63% CTR:

Outbrain is the leading native content advertiser. They compared 65,000 paid blog article advertisement titles that contained positive (“always” or “best”) superlatives, negative (“never” or “worst”) superlatives and no superlatives.

The result?

Headlines with negative superlatives performed 30% better than ones without superlatives.

And the average click-through rate on headlines with negative superlatives was a staggering 63% higher than that of their positive counterparts.



Taktical Growth Hacks

Growth Hack #3 – Copy the Onboarding Flows of Famous Apps:

Don’t copy brand name onboarding/activation flows because they’re famous; copy them because THEY WORK.

Major apps with massive user bases have already trained people to follow a set activation flow. Your new users are probably already their existing users!

So, let them do what they’re used to and set up your onboarding to be similar to the major players’.

Source: 500 Startups


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