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Growth Hacks:

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Give Your Customers Clear Instructions:

Social psychologist Howard Leventhal tested how effectively the two popular motivators, direction and fear, can convince students to get vaccinated.

Each student received a brochure with two controls, the brocure either had:

1. Strong language meant to instill fear about not getting vaccinated
2. Specific Instructions with clear Maps on HOW to get vaccinated.

The Result:
44% of people who went to get the shot were exposed to the high-fear brochures.
88% of the people who went to get shots had received the detailed plan for what to do next.

That means – specific instructions DOUBLE your conversions.


Ditch the Password:

Optimizely removed the enter password and confirm password fields, opting instead to auto-assign passwords, which users were forced to reset when they came back.

+18% more signups


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Slideshare Traffic Hack:

Slideshare gets 70 million unique monthly visitors. You can leverage this to your benefit.

1. Repurpose your popular blog posts into Slideshare presentations
2. Place an offer of call to action at the beginning and the end
3. Offer to let them download the presentation with a tweet (free tool for this)


In Depth Articles:

How SEOs Do Link Building in 2017

10 Landing Page Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances At Conversion


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