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36% Of People (The Majority) Prefer To See This In Your Headline. How To Apply It Now?

A Conductor study found what elements in headlines people prefer the most:
1. Numbers: 36%
2. ‘You’: 21%
3. ‘How to’: 17%
4. Question: 11%

What if we mix them all?

64% of People Prefer Sentence Case In Headlines
compared to CAPITALS and lowercase.


One Tiny Change that Helped Upworthy Boost Shares By 395%:

After A/B testing, Upworthy (8.8 million monthly users) found:

1. If the buttons have a hover effect when your mouse is over them, they can get 395% more shares.

2. The best time after landing on a page that the “like us” icon appeared was with a 16 second delay.


social media icons

How to Get 2.8X More Retweets and 1.9X More Likes:

Did you know that…

Those that share video on Twitter see:
1. 2.5X more replies
2. 2.8X more retweets
3. 1.9X more likes


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