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Growth Hacks:

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Growth Hack #1 – Use the Right Reading Level to Get a 53% Response Rate:

Boomerang took a look at over 40 million emails. Their goal was determining what reading level earns the most responses.

Here are their results:

1. Emails written at a kindergarten reading level: 46%

2. Those written at a 3rd grade reading level: 53%

3. High school: 45%

4. A college reading level: 39%

So how to write at a 3rd grade reading level? Use shorter words and shorter sentences.


Growth Hack #2 – 6 Tools to Track Your Competitors:

It’s helpful to keep tabs on your competitors by tracking their keywords, mentions, and more.

The following six tools can help with monitoring your competitors, your own company, and even potential clients:

1. Google Alerts
3. SocialMention
4. IFTTT + RSS of sites in your industry
5. Hootsuite
6. Buzzsumo

Source: 500 startups

Taktical Growth Hacks - YouTube

Growth Hack #3 – +55% Email CTR With Video:

Email Monks and GetResponse conducted research on the effectiveness of a video embedded in an email.

Here’s what they found:
– An embedded video leads to a 55% increase in click-through rates

It also results in:
– 41% more email sharing and forwarding
– 20% increase in ROI.

How do you embed a video in Gmail?

Check out this guide.

Source: GetResponse

In Depth Article:

How I Manage, Motivate and Pay Freelance Blog Writers


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