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Taktical Growth Hacks - AdWords

Growth Hack #1 – How to Hack AdWords for Your Startup:

During Techstars, AdHawk validated two things from their time on the AdWords team at Google:

1. Paid advertising is a lucrative channel for achieving the hockey stick growth model we all crave
2. AdWords is just as mysterious to Bob’s Bait Shop as it is for the savviest of tech entrepreneurs

Many of the startups they encountered need help starting their VERY FIRST campaign on Twitter, Facebook, and Google. So, they created this guide that they then presented to hundreds of entrepreneurs at Techstars, Galvanize, and 500Startups.

Get ready to break down some barriers, skip the learning curve, and hack Google AdWords for your startup.


Growth Hack #2 – Use Insights to Make the Front Page of Reddit:

Datastories analyzed 4 million data points to see what makes it on the front page of Reddit:

#1. 5pm – 9pm PST is the hottest upvote time.
#2. Images get much more upvotes than text posts.
#3. Very Positive or Very Negative posts perform significantly better than Neutral ones.
#4. Text posts get more comments and stay on the front page longer.
#5. These 5 Sub-Reddits completely dominate the front page of Reddit: r/funny, r/pics, r/gifs, r/TodayILearned, r/gaming
#6. Putting a number in your headline increases chances of being among the top posts.
#7. Internal self-posts LIVE SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER than external posts.


Taktical Growth Hacks - conversions

Growth Hack #3 – +240% Conversions by Optimizing Old Blog Posts:

The team from Hubspot noticed that most of their old blog posts convert into email leads very poorly.

Here is what they did (you can do the same on Google Analytics):

1. Ordered their most popular blog posts (URLs) by the conversion rate (into emails).
2. For each URL they looked through specific keywords people were using to find a post.
3. Optimized CTAs to fit the most popular keyword.

For example, for their article “How to Write a Press Release” the most popular Google keyword was “press release template“. They created a CTA “Download press release templates”.

After the change, their conversions into emails increased by 240%.


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