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Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #1 – Land More Press Features With “Exclusive Research”: 

More than 500 editors at top sites like BuzzFeed, TIME, Lifehacker, Scientific American, and TechCrunch were asked:

“What characteristic does the perfect piece of content possess?”

Their responses:

15% said “Emotional Stories”

19% said “Relevant Content”

27% said “Breaking News”

39% said “Exclusive Research”

Offer these kinds of stories, and you’ll land more press.



Growth Hack # 2: Keep Your Subject Line Honest for +100% Cold Email Reply Rate:

Researchers blasted cold emails to 1,000 of the busiest business people in America: C- and VP-level executives from the Fortune 500 and the Inc 500.

They A/B-tested 2 different subject lines with the same body content:

1. “Quick Question”

2. “15 Second Question for Research on Annoying Emails”


The open rate was almost the same: ~50%. But! By over-promising on the time commitment with the “15 Second” subject line, they turned some recipients off.

As a result, reply rates were very different:

1. “Quick Question” — 66.7% of total replies

2. “15 Second Question …” — 33.3%

That’s a TWO times difference.


Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #3 – Use Influencers to Get Your Blog Posts Read:

Headlines are 90% of the battle when it comes to getting clicks and shares for blogs.

The next 10% is engaging the audience.

Here’s a strategy that’s sure to attract more readers:

1. Jump on

2. Examine highly shared blog posts and emulate their title styles.

3. Write a blog post that mentions popular people on Twitter.

4. Publish the blog post and tweet at the popular people you mention.

5. Get retweeted

6. Repeat

Source: Ilan Nass


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