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Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #1 – Part II to the Pinterest Experiments:  

In last week’s issue, we discussed how Pinterest earned 50% more sign-ups with one, simple experiment. Crazy! Well, there’s more…

Another experiment helped them figure out how to activate those new users:

– First they created an email flow to help understand how the service worked.

Result: more people unsubscribed than installed their app. Fail.

– Then they started to send emails with relevant content, matching with the reasons why people joined Pinterest in the first place.

This Pinterest marketing experiment worked much better and increased activation. Success.



Growth Hack # 2 – How to Overcome a 75% Bounce Rate:

In 2009, over 75% of Twitter’s users weren’t coming back. So, they brainstormed a 4-step process for better retention.

1. The team separated out the engaged users from those who dropped off.

2. Then they studied: Of those people who stay, what’s different about them?

3. They discovered patterns that indicated if you follow at least 30 people, you’re likely to remain engaged.

4. So they redesigned the product to help everyone get to this number faster.



Taktical Growth Hacks

Growth Hack #3 – $25K in Revenue From Blog Comments:

Neil Patel ran an interesting experiment. For 1 month, he commented on different blogs.

Here are his findings:

1. Short 1 to 4 word comments generated 3.2 visitors per comment.

2. Long 4 to 17-sentence comments drove 17.4 visitors per comment (5x more).

3. Mainstream, broad blogs drove visitors but no conversions.

4. When his comment was higher on the page it drove more traffic.

5. Only comments on guest posts he wrote generated real leads. He generated 7 leads, which resulted in $25,000 in revenue.




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