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Growth Hack #1 – 10.66% More Signups With an Easy Color Change:

The MECLABS Institute was exploring how color affects sign-up conversions on a landing page. So, they A/B tested a simple change for their special VIP landing page.

A. Dark background and white text.
B. White background and dark text.

Which do you think won for their VIP landing page?

Here’s the result: The white background and dark text generated +10.66% more signups.



Growth Hack #2 – Add Popup Annotations to Mobile Youtube Videos:

YouTube has 1.3 billion users who watch 5 billion videos every day. More than half of those YouTube views come from mobile devices.

Adding annotations to a video boosts your views/retention. But: Annotations don’t show up on mobile!

Here’s how to fix it: Use YouTube Cards instead.

How to set these up:

1. Go to your YouTube channel.
2, Click your video.
3. Click on the cards icon.
4. Press “Add card”



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Growth Hack #3 – 5 Steps to Maximize Blog Readership:

Headlines are 90% of the battle when it comes to getting clicks and shares for blogs. The next 10% is engaging the audience.

Here’s how to deal with both sides of the equation to get your blog post in front of as many eyes as possible:

1. Jump on
2. Examine highly shared blog posts and copy their title styles.
3. Write a blog post that mentions popular people on Twitter.
4. Publish the blog post and tweet at the popular people you mention.
5. Get retweeted.
6. Repeat.


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