Ilan’s Weekly is a (sorta) weekly email full of small hacks and tricks you can use to grow your business and increase sales.

Written and curated by Ilan Nass, founder of Taktical in New York.


Add WhatsApp to your Social Share Buttons!

BuzzFeed tested WhatsApp’s share button and found that 38% more people share via WhatsApp than via Twitter!

Aviary said that WhatsApp shares were almost the same level as Facebook and Instagram.

Maybe that`s because WhatsApp has 900M users (vs Twitter`s 300M), plus the open rate is over 90%. Pretty impressive, yeah? 🙂

How to embed the share button:
1. WordPress plugin.
2. AddToAny widget.


3 Magic Words increased mobile ad success by 36%

48 times, these guys ran the same A/B test for different ads. 42 times it yielded a positive change to the conversion rate. The average conversion rate increase, based on the positive examples, was +36.6%. 12 out of 48 times this test more than doubled the conversion rate (100%+ lifts).

These 3 magic words were “FROM YOUR PHONE”. Worth trying to use them in your mobile ad!


Speed Matters!

Fast email follow-up for leads (within 1 hour or better yet 1 minute) gets TWICE as high response rate and less time / fewer calls to qualify.

Get notified, then call them back immediately!

Some ways to get fast notifications:
– email alert or Zapier to get lead notifications
tout or sidekick to get 1:1 email tracking notifications



Billionaire Elon Musk credits his success to these 8 books

How I lean startup’d my way to $240k+ on the saturated App Store