Growth Hacks:

I'm better than you meme

Rank for Competitor Names

Create landing pages that compare your product / company to the competition. Call it “XXX Alternative”

Use SEO to drive the page up.

Prospects are 15% more likely to convert to your product because they already don’t like your competitor!

Use Testimonials and Product Recommendations!

1. Personalized recommendations increase revenue by 300%.

2. 100% of the TOP 10 websites in the Internet Retailer 500 use product recommendations.

3. 70% of’s homepage is devoted to product recommendations.


+585% Conversion Rate by Delaying Retargeting

Retargeting ads are powerful, since they only show to people who have visited you before. However lots of those people were never interested to begin with.

So Justin Brooke from IMScalable ran a test, he only retargeted to people who spend more than 45 seconds on his site.

The result? For every $1 in retargeting, he made $6.36: A 585% improvement!



B2B Facebook Ads: The 71-Point Guide For The Win

Deciding When to Call an AB Test: p-value Graphs