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Growth Hacks:

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Growth Hack #1 – Get Thousands of Likes to Your Facebook Page

Here’s how Juan Campos turned Nomad App’s Facebook page into an account with 7,000 followers.

His strategy for success:

1) Schedule out high-quality content your audience will engage with the most

2) Build an audience of even a few hundred people that like your page and engage in other ways

3) Keep posting high quality content, get a feel for what people like most, post more of that content

4) Take the best posts on your page and boost them with $1 – $5 to the people who already like your page and their friends.

5) Go to the list of people that liked your post and invite them all to like your page

6) After a few days or weeks, boost some of the posts again

Growth Hack #2 – Target LinkedIn Connections for Better Facebook Custom Audiences:

Have a big social media presence, but a small email list? Expand your reach with LinkedIn.

You can export your LinkedIn connections email addresses and import them into Facebook as a custom audience.

Here’s how:

Go to your LinkedIn homepage.

Then click on Me.

To export the emails of your connections, click Settings & Privacy.

Then click on Download your data.

Source: Josh Fechter

Taktical Growth Hacks - affiliate signup

Growth Hack #3 – Get an 18% Conversion Rate on Affiliate Program Sign-Ups:

Hailey Friedman found the secret to affiliate marketing that led to a growth rate of the RealtyShares program 9X year over year.

How did she do it? It started with listicle content with as many categories as possible related to a specific industry.

All together they ended up mentioning over 373 different blogs, podcasts, books and influencers within these “Top” lists.

Next, she reached out to every single person via email that was mentioned in one of the blog posts without ever mentioning their affiliate program at all.

Out of the 373 influencers emailed, 66 of them ended up signing up for the affiliate program.

That’s an 18% conversion rate!

Source: Growth Marketing Pro

In Depth Articles:

Personalized Drip Email Sequences

4 Facebook Algorithm Hacks to Bring Your Reach Back from the Dead


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