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Taktical tips and tricks - bad email

Growth Hack #1 – Break Up With Bad Email Subscribers:

Segment out subscribers that haven’t engaged with your recent messages and send them another email telling them you’re breaking up with them if they don’t respond.

Use a subject line that makes this very clear: “This is the last time you’ll hear from me …” / “I’ll never email you again, unless ….”

Within the email, ask them to click a link to re-confirm that they want to keep receiving your emails. You’ll maintain a much more engaged, focused, and valuable subscriber base.


Growth Hack #2 – Reduce Facebook Ads Cost by 41%:

Facebook ads pro Aaron Zakowski found that displaying right side ads is the best choice if you’re working with a small budget.

Though you can’t get the same volume as Newsfeed ads, cost per signup from right side ads is about 41% lower than from desktop newsfeed ads.


Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #3 – Increase Signups by 26% With Gradual Engagement Instead of a Hasty Sign Up:

Instead of asking visitors to sign up immediately, why not ask them to first perform a task through which something of value is demonstrated?

During such initial interactions, the product can show off its benefits while also lending itself to personalization. Once users begin to see your product’s value and see how they can make it their own, they will then be more open to sharing additional information with you.

Gradual engagement is really a way to postpone the sign up process as much as possible while still allowing clients to use and customize your application or product.

GoodUI tried this and found a 26% increase in signups.


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