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Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #1 – +178% Repeat Business With a Loyalty Card Trick:

In one Shopify case study, researchers handed out loyalty cards at a car wash. The cards offered a stamp for every car wash the customer bought.

Half of the cards had spots for eight stamps, with a free car wash offered for collecting all eight.

The other half had spots for ten stamps, but two of the spots came pre-stamped (oooooooo vs ooooooooXX).

The result? The pre-stamped cards resulted in 178% more repeat business than the unstamped ones.

Source: Shopify


Growth Hack #2 – Direct Link Promo Codes to Keep People on Your Site:

ComScore found that 27% of people who searched for a coupon code never returned to purchase.

So how can you re-claim those customers?

1. Remove a coupon code field.

2. Use direct links, which have a coupon code attached.

Example: Macy’s, a large department store, added a link to “Find one now” near “Have a promo code?” The link shows page listings with current discount codes, keeping customers on their site.



Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #3 – Boost Revenue 367% by Investing in Your Churned Free Trial Users:

Site conversion optimizer PopcornMetrics increased their revenue 367% in 12 weeks.

This is what they did:

They focused on helping their churned (lost) free trial users become successful in achieving their goals by using their product with deep 1-on-1s. 

They tweaked code, gave useful info, spent hours on Skype — whatever it took. After a while that un-scalable hustling turned into scalable texts, videos, tutorials, onboarding emails, FAQ section, etc., which boosted their conversions.


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