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Growth Hack #1 – Google Ads: Level 100 Ninja:

Jonathan Dane recently shared the secret of the Single Keyword Ad Group in Google Adwords.

It decreased his costs by 70%, increased his click thru rates by 300%, and helped him outrank competitors who bid more.

Here’s how:

1. Create a new Ad Group

2. In order to force an exact match, add your keyword phrase like this:
+CPA +firm +Chicago
“CPA firm Chicago”
[CPA firm Chicago]

3. Add your exact keyword phrase to your title and URL. Write benefits in the first line and call to action in the second.

4. Add all negative keywords that appear in the search term report into each ad group level in order to exclude long tail search terms

VOILA! You’ve got a single keyword ad group ready!

Growth Hack #2 – Got an Idea? Sell a Phantom Product First:

In 2016, Pokémon GO beat Twitter’s daily active mobile users in 4 days – it also beat Google Maps’.

Here’s what Mashable uncovered while investigating their phenomenon – They validated the idea 2 years before creating the product.

Everything started as a Google April Fools Day joke back in 2014. They published this video and it gained over 6 million views within a couple of weeks (16 million in 2014). This video collected over 16,000 comments = feedback from future customers.

They used this as proof of a market before they built their product.

Dropbox did the same. First they created a video about a nonexistent product. Then they gained email addresses. Only after that did they create their real product.

It’s a priceless example on how to achieve Product Market Fit before wasting money on developing an actual product.

YouTube ranking graph

Growth Hack #3 – Get Your YouTube Videos to Rank!

A study by found a strong correlation between COMMENTS on a YouTube video, and how highly it ranks for YouTube search queries.

Get your audience to participate (or get your friends to help!) and watch the views pour in!


In Depth Articles:

The Inside Story on How SurveyMonkey Cracked the International Market

How BuzzSumo Achieved $2.5m Annual Revenue in its First Year: Case Study in SaaS Growth

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