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Taktical Growth Hacks - hashtags

Growth Hack #1 – Reconsider Your Instagram Hashtag Strategy to Boost Engagement: looked at 115 million Instagram posts.

They found that – on average – the more hashtags someone used, the less engagement they got.

This could mean that:

Quality, engaging content is more important than a bunch of irrelevant hashtags

– The most popular influencers are onto something, because they use hashtags differently than the average user, and they still get high levels of engagement.

– The average could be hurt by poor posts that use hashtags

Engagement isn’t too affected by hashtags. They could help users find your content faster, but it doesn’t mean they’ll enjoy it.

It’s important to also note that the data could be correlated, rather than causated. E.g., people that use a ton of hashtags don’t get much interaction, anyway!

Here’s a tip: Instead of hashtagging everything, think about directly tagging users. This will actually increase the engagement on your post.


Growth Hack #2 – Get More Organic Traffic by Keeping Your Content Fresh:

Continuously update and rework old content to keep it from losing traffic.

Here’s how:

1. Go to Google Analytics and select a window of time – this could be anywhere from the last week to the last month. Compare this to the same date range last year, being sure that the dates line up.

2. Access Landing Pages by going to Behavior –> Site Content.

3. Add a second dimension: “Default Channel Grouping”.

4. Narrow it down by setting up an advanced filter to only look for “organic search”.

5. Select all rows by adjusting the numbers at the bottom of the page.

6. Select “show rows,” and export the following data to CSV.

By following these simple steps, you can boost your content’s organic traffic, regardless of its age.


Taktical Growth Hacks - Twitter

Growth Hack #3 – Increase Your Twitter Following By at Least 25% With These Easy Steps:

By following 100 of the right Twitter influencers every other day, studies have shown that about a quarter of the people you follow will return the favor. This means you’ll see a steady boost in both followers and engagement.

Here’s how to find your next followers:

1. Log in to Buzzsumo and select “Twitter Influencers

2. Search your target term

3. Make a list of all the resulting handles

4. Visit “Twitter’s Advanced Search” and insert the handles into the field (Clarify ‘people’–’mentioning these accounts’ OR ‘to those accounts’)

5. Search to find everyone who loves to share similar information


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The Keys to Trello’s Incredible Growth

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