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Growth Hacks:
Growth Hack #1 – Improve SEO By Freshening Up Content:
Google prefers recency, and so do your website visitors.
Keep content fresh –> rank higher.
Here’s what you can do to go from stale to fresh:
1. Include “last updated [RECENT DATE HERE]” in content body.
2. Remove auto date stamps from content.
Growth Hack #2 – Increase the Probability of Purchases 14X With Upselling:
Existing customers are up to 14X more likely to make a purchase than new customers.
So what does this mean for you?
Upsell new products to existing, happy customers!
Once you’ve made them satisfied customers, they’ll be your best source of growth. You just need to deliver on value.
Growth Hack #3 – Resonate With Your Global Audience With the Right Ad Tonality:
A recent Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising study revealed that certain tones in ads resonate more effectively with audiences in different regions of the world.
Here’s what ad themes work best, and where:
– North America, Europe: Humorous
– Latin America, Asia: Health; real-life situations
– Africa/Middle east: Real-life; family
In Depth Articles:
How Skyscanner became a global $2bn company by growth hacking instead of marketing
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