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tips from Taktical - abandoned e-commerce cart

Growth Hack #1 – What’s the NUMBER ONE Reason People Abandon Shopping Carts on Ecommerce Sites?:

Unexpected shipping costs. Seriously.

A survey by Visual Website Optimizer found that 28% of shoppers who abandoned their carts did so because of unexpected shipping costs, the greatest cause cited by respondents.

The solution: You can charge for shipping, but be visible about it. Include it on the product page so that your users know exactly what they’ll be paying.

People don’t mind paying for shipping; they just don’t like being surprised.


Growth Hack #2 – Bullets are Sharp:

  • Bullets make
  • your copy
  • more readable

A case study by Lemonstand found that switching from a wall of text to bullet points helped some stores increase conversion rates by 78%.


tips from Taktical - B2B leads

Growth Hack #3 – Trying to Gain B2B Leads? Change Your Tone:

Which copy tone will result in a higher rate of lead inquiries?

  1. Selling tone: You are one step away from getting free access to …, our award winning [product] quickly…made…try
  2. Helping tone: We are just here to provide you with whatever assistance you need in [reaching customer’s goal] …

Result? A helping tone led to a 349% increase in total lead inquiries.


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