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Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #1 – 21 Ideas for Getting People to Trust You With Social Proof:  

So your product/market is a fit. Your copy, images, product, urgency, pricing, etc. are also all great. . .but conversions are still low. There is a big chance that it’s because people don’t trust you. In this case, you need to add social proof.

Here are the 21 ways to do just that:

1. Customer testimonials

2. Celebrity endorsements

3. Case studies

4. Media mentions

5. Who are your customers

6. Trust seals

7. Certifications and badges

8. Platform integrations

9. Social share count

10. Subscriber/user/customer count

11. Screen shots from social media

12. Public ratings and reviews

13. Test scores

14. “Best seller”

15. Results of surveying your customers

16. Number of orders

17. Real time stats

18. A list of popular posts/products

19. Customer showcase

20. Customer photos

21. Customer stories



Growth Hack # 2 – Earn Customer Reciprocity in 3 Steps:

The most effective way of earning reciprocity from customers is through indirect requests. AVOID overtly salesy language.

Here are the 3 separate steps, along with the language to use, that will get customers to respond to your calls to action:

1. Give: “Free offer”, “free service”, “surprisingly good”, “no strings attached”.

2. WAIT: Create a distinction/separation of Give step from Ask step by taking a step back. If you’re too aggressive or quick with your follow-up, you’ll lose your audience.

3. Ask: “Sign up”, “purchase”, “refer your friends”.



Taktical Growth Hacks

Growth Hack #3 – Invest $0 and Recover 11.5% of Your Lost Customers:

Ninja Outreach is a SaaS. When people clicked “14-Day Free Trial” they needed to input their credit card data. A lot of people get lost at this stage.

Then, the team applied the magic, and here’s what happened:

1. 11.5% of abandoners finished their trial sign up.

2. Those that returned are now trying out plans ranging from $29/mo to $249/mo.

Here’s how they achieved it:

1. Instead of asking their payment details after hitting the trial button. . .

2. They asked for just their email.

3. After a user submitted their email, they were redirected to a page asking for their payment details.

4. If a user abandoned the form, they received an automated email reminder.

5. These emails recovered 11.5% of abandoners



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