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Growth Hack #1 – The Simplest Way to Improve the Accessibility of Your Emails:

If your designer insists on creating one giant image for your email, tell them you risk antagonizing readers.

Image-only emails are slower to load, harder to search for, and are often blocked by firewalls, spam filters, and privacy blockers. They’re also completely inaccessible for voice assistants, and non-native speakers can’t translate text when it’s embedded in images.

Remember: Being accessible is not just socially good; it also means a bigger audience for your business!

Source: 500 startups


Growth Hack #2 – Achieve a 53% Response Rate (Analysis of 250K Emails):

Boomerang analyzed 250K emails and found these TOP 4 insights:

1. Emails with spelling errors in the subject line received a 14% lower reply rate.

2. Emails between 50 and 125 words have the best response rate: 50%

3. Emails written at a 3rd grade reading level get the highest response rate: 53%

4. Three or four words are ideal for email subject lines.



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Growth Hack #3 – Adjust Content Placement Based on How People Read:

We read left to right. Therefore, it makes sense to put relevant content on the left and less relevant content on the right – or below the fold.

As you can see in this heatmap, most visitors focus their attention on the upper left of the page. So, use this information to your advantage: That’s where your most important messaging should go.



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