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Growth Hack #1 – Bust Into a New Market With LinkedIn:
LinkedIn marketing allows you to search inside your network, up to 3rd connections. This can end up limiting you when you are entering a new market and have a lack of connections.
Here is a hack to overcome this barrier and boost your sales in a new market:
Go to Google and AND [job title] AND [company] AND [skill/category] AND [company] AND [job title] AND VP OR SVP OR EVP OR Director OR Manager OR SalesOps
Growth Hack #2 – Red-Heads Get the Clicks:
Matthew Woodward ran a funny experiment through Facebook ads.
He set 3 advertising campaigns. Everything was identical except for the image:
– Blonde woman
– Brunette woman
– Red-headed woman
Can you guess the result?
The ad with the image of the red-headed woman achieved a 40.4% higher CTR than the image of the brunette woman and a 66.6% higher CTR than the ad with the blonde woman. Weird.

Growth Hack #3 – Avoid False Promises for 2X Higher Cold Email Response Rate:
Researchers sent cold emails to a thousand of the busiest business people in America: C- and VP-level executives from the Fortune 500 and the Inc 500.
They A/B-tested 2 different subjects and the same body:
1. “Quick Question”
2. “15 Second Question for Research on Annoying Emails”
The open rate was almost the same: ~50%.
By over-promising on the time commitment with the “15 Second” subject line, they turned some recipients off. As a result, reply rates were very different:
1. “Quick Question” — 66.7% of total replies
2. “15 Second Question …” — 33.3%
That’s a difference in response rate of over TWO TIMES.
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