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Growth Hack #1
– This Small Thing is Very Popular, But It Can Ruin Your Organic Traffic:
Pop-ups are a great lead-gen tool, especially on mobile. But, 99% of people don`t know it can kill organic traffic if not done correctly. What do we mean?
1. You know that more than 50% of visitors access your website through their mobile devices. And Google ranks mobile-friendly websites higher.
2. Also you know that full-sized pop-ups generate the highest conversions (1.76% – 6.9%).
Here’s a bummer.
Did you know that you can kill your Google traffic if you don’t follow their guidelines?
Especially this short one.
What Google considers as an acceptable pop-up is when it covers no more than 20% of the screen.
Growth Hack #2
– A 5-Minute Fix to Get 8.8% More Conversions:
Klientboost boosted their conversions by +8.8% super easily. In a study, they A/B tested the same customer reviews on their landing page.
The only difference was:
A. variant had the star ratings: ★★★★★
B. control – didn’t.
The star ratings outperformed “”no stars”” by +8.8%.
By mentioning the company size with exact numbers in the customer reviews, their conversion rate increased by 22%.

Growth Hack #3
– The Easiest Way Ever to Boost Your Retweet Rate by 2.5 Times
Did you know that…
When followers are specifically asked “”Please Retweet””, the Retweet rate is 2.5 times higher than average?
P.S. Please share this with your friends 😉