Taktical Growth Hacks – #130

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Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #1
– Top 3 Facts to Increase Your FB Conversions +40%:

Facebook ad design is crucial for success. But what are the best practices to keep in mind?

According to recent studies, the TOP 3 data-driven facts around ad design are:

1. Ads with a white background had a 60% higher CTR and attracted 40% more conversions compared to a colorful background.

2. Emotional content performed about 2X better than ads with only rational content.

3. Ad designs that closely match with a landing page increase conversions by 20-35%.

Source: https://karolakarlson.com/facebook-ad-design/


Growth Hack #2
– How Unroll.me Managed to Gain 1.3 Million Users Within Just 3 Years:

Unroll.me was an email inbox cleaning service that skyrocketed in popularity to reach over 1 million users in 3 years. How did they do it?

1. First, they discovered a really popular, massive problem: cluttered email inboxes.

2. They offered a simple solution for free: you can unsubscribe from all newsletters you are no longer interested in.

3. After the launch, tech blogs were happy to write about an app that solves a common problem of their readers. This helped them get the first few thousand users.

4. Right after you start using the app and choose 5 newsletters to unsubscribe from, Unroll.me shows a pop-up : “In order to unsubscribe from more than 5 subscriptions, help out by sharing on Facebook, Twitter or via email.”

Result: 1.3 million users virally in 3 years (+ Unroll.me was acquired).

Source: https://zapier.com/blog/unrollme-josh-rosenwald-interview


Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #3
– Super Short Hack to Convert 9X More Prospects:

Did you know that…

If you follow up with web leads within 5 minutes, you’re 9 times more likely to convert them?

How fast do you follow up?

Source: https://www.slideshare.net/JakeAtwood1/20-shocking-sales-stats


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Taktical Team

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, we at Taktical Digital are your go-to team. We’re a vibrant mix of marketing enthusiasts and experts, each bringing something unique to the table. Our blog is where we share the latest trends, nifty strategies, and practical advice, all designed to amp up your online game. It's not just about theories; it's about real, actionable insights that make a difference. From SEO to social media, we cover it all with a fresh, engaging approach. Think of us as your insider friends in the digital marketing sphere, always here to help you navigate and succeed.
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